The RANZCP administers the following summative assessments:
Multiple Choice Exam (MCQ), usually taken in Stage 2, consisting of 140 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) covering foundational knowledge from Stage 1 and 2 syllabuses, and 2 critical analysis problems (CAPs) worth 40 marks in total, asking for statistical analysis of a research paper. This is a 3-hour exam.
Critical Essay Question Exam (CEQ), set at end of Stage 3 standard, seeking “broad and deep knowledge of clinical psychiatry, governance and the practice of psychiatry in cultural and political contexts”, starting with a quote related to psychiatry, worth 40 marks. It is hand-written and completed at a testing centre, with 50 minutes including reading time allowed.
Modified Essay Questions Exam (MEQ), set at end of Stage 3 standard, hand-written at a testing centre, with 150 minutes including reading time allowed. Trainees are eligible to sit the ME Q after 18 months of training, and it is recommended to be taken in Stage 3. It must be taken by 60 months FTE of training. There are 4-6 modified essay questions, worth up to 38 marks, total 150 marks. The CEQ and MEQ can be taken on the same day, or separately.
Clinical Competency Assessment-Modified Portfolio Review (CCA-MPR), until April 2025. To be eligible, trainees need to have completed at least 2 Stage 3 rotations of at least 9 months FTE duration, with at least 2 Stage 3 end-of-rotation ITAs, 3 OCAs (2 from Stage 3). The 3 most recent end-of-rotation ITAs and OCAs will be considered. This assessment is being progressively reviewed.
Exam preparation and trial exams, coordinated by our exam tutor, Dr John Callary, are held twice each year. SA trainees have high pass rates in College exams compared with trainees in other jurisdictions.